Sustainable Seafood Event at Fishful Season. Fishful Season are hosting a seafood event to answer questions on sustainable seafood in Hong Kong

Sustainable Seafood Event at Fishful Season

Fishful Season are hosting a seafood event to answer questions on sustainable seafood in Hong Kong

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Foodie  Foodie Your Guide to Good Taste

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Join Ocean Recovery Alliance this November in their Kin Hong Seafood Festival to raise public awareness about eating sustainable seafood. They'll be on hand to answer questions about where to find sustainable seafood and inform on how the community can make a positive difference to our ocean by choosing dishes which are “healthy” for the environment. 

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Join them at Fishful Season on 28th November and learn more about the Kin Hong (healthy) initiatives on sustainability and also sample dishes such as Dutch wild caught oysters, Wild Blue mussels from Holland and North Atlantic Cod with buttery mashed potatoes. Fishful Season in Tai Hang is one of the few restaurants serving certified MSC seafood in Hong Kong and for a list of all restaurants serving sustainable seafood this month, check them out here and here.

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When: Saturday 28 November, 12.30pm–2.30pm

Where: Fishful Season, Shop B, G/F, 23 Shepherd Street, Tai Hang, Hong Kong

How Much: $250 

* Ticket includes samples of three signature dishes and a glass of wine

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