This category contains Genera of Ostreidae .This category is automatically filled by the use of {{Taxonavigation}} with parameter include=Bivalvia . This category should only contain Genera categories and galleries. It should contain no file .
This category should only contain other categories. Galleries should be in the corresponding categories instead. Files should be in a parent or subcategory.
Alectryonella , Anomiostrea , Booneostrea , Dendostrea , Lopha , Myrakeena , Nanostrea , Ostrea , Ostreola , Planostrea , Pustulostrea , Teskeyostrea , Undulostrea
Alectryonella , Anomiostrea , Booneostrea , Crassostrea , Cryptostrea , Dendostrea , Lopha , Myrakeena , Nanostrea , Nicaisolopha , Ostrea , Planostrea , Pustulostrea , Saccostrea , Striostrea , Talonostrea , Teskeyostrea , Undulostrea
Alectryonella , Crassostrea , Dendostrea , Lopha , Ostrea , Planostrea , Saccostrea , Striostrea , Talonostrea , Teskeyostrea
Alectryonella , Anomiostrea , Booneostrea , Crassostrea , Cubitostrea , Dendostrea , Flemingostrea , Lopha , Myrakeena , Nanostrea , Nicaisolopha , Ostrea , Planostrea , Pustulostrea , Saccostrea , Striostrea , Talonostrea , Teskeyostrea , Undulostrea
This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total.