This is a page for requesting work to be done by a bot. This is an appropriate place to simply put ideas for bots. However be aware of various tools available to all users which can be used to accomplish the work without the need for a bot:
Gadget Cat-a-lot can be used for most category adding, removing and moving
VisualFileChange tool can be used for mass-changes of one author's uploaded files, or files in a category, creating a mass-deletion-request, let you insert tags to the file-description-pages (even copy from exif/meta-data). You can also perform find and replace operations with or without JavaScript regular expressions (regexp). A common use case is: "I've changed my username". It's a web-tool and can be launched directly.
AutoWikiBrowser can be used for large number of supervised and automatic edits
There are categories of people where the person's last name is a red link. The manual steps I do are to create a new category of the surname where the only information is: {{Wikidata Infobox}} and [[Category:Surnames]]. The next step is to look up the last name in Wikidata and add the category name to P373 and the category name with Category as prefix for “Multilingual sites”. Is it possible for a bot to look up the categories where there is a red link to a last name and perform the actions described above? Wouter (talk) 11:34, 5 December 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Hi, can I discuss the complete request with a bot owner who can do it: when a special categorization is specified, and the parameter value for source is just {{own}}, the category should be removed and a string should replace the own. Always the same text strings (no regex or so), but a greater number of files. -- sarang♥사랑 17:04, 30 December 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]