When Foodies and Drinkies Collide. Predictions of beverage trends to come

When Foodies and Drinkies Collide

Predictions of beverage trends to come

Lily  Lily  on 1 Apr '15

Featured image via bsakaguchi

There is little debate that today we no longer eat just for sustenance, but for pleasure, entertainment, social needs and educative purposes. People now seek to be well informed about what we eat, where we eat and how we eat.  We are also seeking vertically to learn about the origins of food, nutrition levels and how to prepare it for the best quality and flavours.  There are dedicated TV channels for food and cooking, celebrity chefs and numerous food and dining shows that entertain us almost 24 hours a day.  Ahh...the world of foodies is in a high gear.

The Original Bloody Masterpiece (courtesy of Boomshack)

So naturally, the world of drinks also emerged into our higher consciousness.  While the word "drinkie" (or "drinky") has a connotation of alcoholic beverages, I am not promoting the world of over indulgent in it, or at least you need to be of the legal age and drink responsibly.  I am looking at the world of drinks and "drinkies" in an extended sense to encompass all beverages and the quest for what entice our taste buds and senses.

A few indicators that our tastes for beverages have gone beyond thirst quenching is most evident in the US, with examples such as the proliferation of craft breweries (3,418 of them according to Brewers Association's 2014 report), new liquor flavours such as the recently launched "Tang" by Bacardi, and continuous rise in whisky sales.  With these trends pointing the path for more flavours and ways to serve up beverages, we are definitely in the age of the drinkies.


I marvel at the creativeness of mixed concoctions that have endless tastes and possibilities.  And in the parallel world of food and drinks, here are some observations (and predictions) of beverage trends to come, and in no particular order:

  • Drink your meals would also mean eat your drink.  The line will continue to blur.  
  • Downing a $100 glass of mixed drink is the only fitting option for the $100-burgers at a fast casual restaurant (all in USD, by the way)Image title
  • Monthly subscriptions of mixed-drinks-in-a-box will send you a different beverage variety in pre-measured portions.  Some even come with a unique drinking vassal and individually packed ice, so all you need is shake!
  • Would you like coco or watermelon?  Or you prefer artichoke, maple, birch or cactus, as in flavour waters all claim to be good for you. 
  • And don't forget sodas.  It is true that major soda brands are declining in sales, but new flavours of carbonated beverages are popping all over.  The latest I tried was black garlic soda (pictured).  Yup, anticipate more unique flavours to come.

So, are you a drinkie yet? 



....to brie or not to brie